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您敢想像在一台仅有392MB内存的PIII 650机器上安装服务器操作系统么?回答是一切皆有可能,这就是Novell最新推出的SLES 11,今天晚上,我在我的这台老机器上成功安装了SLES 11,准备用其做个人学习用Web服务器、文件服务器、svn服务器、OpenOffice.org编译服务器等。
因为我的120GB硬盘已经存在硬件故障,经过将近二十四小时的折腾,终于在原来的40GB硬盘上顺利安装成功了SLES 11,因为老婆生病了,我需要照顾她(做饭、陪打扑克等),没时间多做试验了,不过,来日方长嘛。
针对有网友咨询60天评估期后的更新问题,做为个人学习之用,我觉得基本也够用了。我现在的想法是这样的,我在Novell有三个注册账号,针对SLED 11,我是先注册一台机器(我家里共有三台机器),通过这一注册,手工下载rpm更新包(Novell会及时发邮件通知您更新的),用rpm命令安装更新,我这台机器与ThinkPad X60就都能更新了,过期后,我再通过X60激活一个账号,同样方法再延长一个更新周期(SLED一般为180天一个评估周期,60天期满后会自动延长一两个评估期的)。我觉得SLES 11也应该能够使用类似的方法获得更新包。以前想法仅供参考,如有不当,请相关权利人指正,我会做相应更正,谢谢。



今天一打开谷歌邮箱,就发现The SUSE Studio Team给我发来了参与SUSE Studio Alpha Test的邀请:
Thank you for your interest in SUSE Studio, a new service that makes
it quick and easy to create and test software appliances from your web
browser. We are pleased to invite you to try the alpha version of
SUSE Studio.

To accept this invitation and take SUSE Studio for a spin, please
visit this link:***************

Alternatively you can go to and manually
enter your invitation code there. Your invitation code is:


We hope that you will enjoy using SUSE Studio. If you encounter bugs,
have general feedback or want to discuss SUSE Studio you can reach us

Have fun using SUSE Studio!

Best Regards,
The SUSE Studio Team

哈哈,真是功夫不负有心人呀,这可是我2008年9月3日申请的,已经半年多了。在单位只是接受了一下邀请,今天晚上一回到家,我就登录体验一下了。用Mozilla Firefox刚一登录,主菜单显示:
My Appliances > Select template

Create a new appliance from a template

The templates below are minimal systems that contain only the basics you need to get started. Select the template that best matches your needs.

看来需要选择一个模板,openSUSE 11.1有如下六个模板可供选择:
openSUSE 11.1, Text Only
openSUSE 11.1, Minimal X
openSUSE 11.1, KDE 3
openSUSE 11.1, KDE 4
openSUSE 11.1, GNOME
openSUSE 11.1, JeOS

作为KDE 4的爱好者,我当然选择openSUSE 11.1, KDE 4了 :-)
You are currently using 0MB (0%) of your 15GB.

还是比较充足的,就是不知道这个空间是如何让我利用的,那就看看下面操作的结果吧(My Appliances > Appliance Editor):
* Disk image
* based on openSUSE 11.1
* Used space: 1.91 GB
* Download size: 503 MB
* 3 patterns selected
* 17 packages selected
* 402 total packages

Welcome to SUSE Studio!

Configure your appliance using the tabs above.

When you're finally done making everything the way you want, visit the Build tab to generate your appliance.

But first, give your appliance a name! It will be used in the boot screen, and in several other places.

我的Appliance nameopentiss's openSUSE 11.1, KDE 4
Appliance Editor共有五个标签页:
* Start
* Software
* Configuration
* Overlay files
* Build

在最后的Build标签页Create appliance就行了,哈哈,我的第一个版本(Version (?): Create appliance)压缩后空间为553 MB。生成的过程分为Installing software、Copying filesystem into appliance、Running build、Compressing appliance、Saving finished appliance等,总共用过5分14秒,速度挺快的。最后在页面底部系统提示:
Builds older than seven days may be deleted to free up space on our servers — but don‘t worry; you can rebuild them at any time.

我定制的这个KDE 4系统占用空间1.2 GB(413 MB zipped),准备明天去公司下载下来,用于制作Live USB系统了。
今天从Planet SUSE获悉:New KDE Four Live-CDs,在公司下载了一个,准备留做应急系统盘了。
今天真的不错,获得了一个这么宝贵的邀请,今后就不用在家里弄Live USB了,如果大家有需要帮忙的,可以联系我,SUSE Studio除了提供Live USB格式外,还提供CD/DVD ISO格式。