研究了一下Mambo系统,现在开始构建大致的框架,首先我选择使用xhtml 1.1来展示web内容,不过发现似乎使用这一标准的网站比较少,比较明显的一个例子就是w3c的官网都是xhtml 1.0,只有其xhtml 1.1标准文档采用的的确是xhtml 1.1。不过还是有个不小的收获,通过查看xhtml 1.1标准文档的源代码,发现了一个可以验证xhtml的工具Tidy。随即我便在SLED 11上安装了tidy,安装时,会自动将依赖库libtidy安装上。tidy的使用也很简单,例如,对用wget命令下载到本地的php网站输出index.html文件进行xhtml验证,只需在终端输入以下命令即可:
opentiss@tiss:~/Documents/tmp> tidy -asxhtml -utf8 < index.html > index.tidy.html如果输出信息为“No warnings or errors were found.”,就表示您的xhtml文档没有与标准相冲突的问题存在。如果需要了解如何使用这一工具,只需在终端输入以下命令查看帮助即可:
Info: Doctype given is "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"
Info: Document content looks like XHTML 1.1
No warnings or errors were found.
To learn more about HTML Tidy see http://tidy.sourceforge.net
Please send bug reports to html-tidy@w3.org
HTML and CSS specifications are available from http://www.w3.org/
Lobby your company to join W3C, see http://www.w3.org/Consortium
opentiss@tiss:~> tidy -help使用tidy可以随时验证文档,在访问w3c的The W3C Markup Validation Service比较慢的时候,这就是一个比较便捷的选择了。
tidy [option...] [file...] [option...] [file...]
Utility to clean up and pretty print HTML/XHTML/XML
see http://tidy.sourceforge.net/
Options for HTML Tidy for Linux/x86 released on 31 October 2006:
File manipulation
-output <file>, -o write output to the specified <file>
-config <file> set configuration options from the specified <file>
-file <file>, -f write errors to the specified <file>
-modify, -m modify the original input files
Processing directives
-indent, -i indent element content
-wrap <column>, -w wrap text at the specified <column>. 0 is assumed if
<column> <column> is missing. When this option is omitted, the
default of the configuration option "wrap" applies.
-upper, -u force tags to upper case
-clean, -c replace FONT, NOBR and CENTER tags by CSS
-bare, -b strip out smart quotes and em dashes, etc.
-numeric, -n output numeric rather than named entities
-errors, -e only show errors
-quiet, -q suppress nonessential output
-omit omit optional end tags
-xml specify the input is well formed XML
-asxml, -asxhtml convert HTML to well formed XHTML
-ashtml force XHTML to well formed HTML
-access <level> do additional accessibility checks (<level> = 0, 1, 2, 3).
0 is assumed if <level> is missing.
Character encodings
-raw output values above 127 without conversion to entities
-ascii use ISO-8859-1 for input, US-ASCII for output
-latin0 use ISO-8859-15 for input, US-ASCII for output
-latin1 use ISO-8859-1 for both input and output
-iso2022 use ISO-2022 for both input and output
-utf8 use UTF-8 for both input and output
-mac use MacRoman for input, US-ASCII for output
-win1252 use Windows-1252 for input, US-ASCII for output
-ibm858 use IBM-858 (CP850+Euro) for input, US-ASCII for output
-utf16le use UTF-16LE for both input and output
-utf16be use UTF-16BE for both input and output
-utf16 use UTF-16 for both input and output
-big5 use Big5 for both input and output
-shiftjis use Shift_JIS for both input and output
-language <lang> set the two-letter language code <lang> (for future use)
-version, -v show the version of Tidy
-help, -h, -? list the command line options
-xml-help list the command line options in XML format
-help-config list all configuration options
-xml-config list all configuration options in XML format
-show-config list the current configuration settings
Use --blah blarg for any configuration option "blah" with argument "blarg"
Input/Output default to stdin/stdout respectively
Single letter options apart from -f may be combined
as in: tidy -f errs.txt -imu foo.html
For further info on HTML see http://www.w3.org/MarkUp
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>其实,解决的方法也很简单,将其作为PHP文本输出即可:
<?php echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'; ?>这几天JavaEye访问不了了,一直在升级中,也不知识什么原因,期望能够早点恢复正常。