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热烈庆祝OOo项目六周年暨 2.0.4发布

转自 2.0.4 is Here ... And It's Our Birthday!

This is Friday 13 October and the day marks two important events: the immediate availability of 2.0.4 and our 6th anniversary. 2.0.4 is a significant release and recommended for all. New features, bugfixes, and improvements include:

  • Enhanced PDF management

  • Direct export to LaTex

  • New functionality in Calc and Impress

  • Mac OS X (X11) now uses system fonts

  • And more...

And our most important feature: Our improved Extensions management. Developers everywhere are invited to write extensions. To learn more, visit our Extensions Project.
We are also six years old today. is changing the world. Tens of millions of people use the application and governments throughout the world are mandating it and its file format (OpenDocument or ODF). Our thanks to you, the community of users and developers who are making this happen!

今天是10月13日,有两件喜事 2.0.4已经发布了,OpenOffice.org六周年纪念。 2.0.4是一个重要的发行版本,推荐大家及时更新。此版本包含了一些新特性,处理了一些软件缺陷,性能有较大提升,主要包括:

  • 增强的PDF功能

  • 可直接导出为LaTex

  • 电子表格及演示文稿增加了一些新功能(如演示文稿现在放映过程中也可弹出播放导航菜单,译者注)

  • 在Mac OS X (X11)中可以使用系统字体了

  • 更多请参见OpenOffice.org发行说明

