先说说KDE 4.1 live CD吧,在公司机器严重老化,Windows系统时时出现故障时,我一直把它当应急盘来用,这不,这周二吧,一个同事在新购进的机器上安装软件,也不知道是遇到什么问题了,这个所谓的萝卜家园的Windows XP好像不能满足他们的要求,从我这里拿了WIndows XP SP3的补订包,结果安装完成后重启就进不了系统了,这种给人家擦屁股的事情总少不了要找我的,我只好上网搜索解决办法。问题是这样的,一登录Windows XP,提示说“一个问题阻止Windows正确检查此机器的许可证。错误代码:0x80070002”之类的,谷歌了一下,说是安装了SP3的补订包,导致缺失文件了,可以在安全模式下复制相应的文件到windows\system32目录去,可惜的是,这台机器连安全模式也进不去,我当然就想到了我预备的应急盘了,我先用KDE 4.1 live CD启动机器,然后通过yast挂载Windows XP的安装盘,把缺失的四个文件复制到相应的位置,还好,一切顺利,给这位同事解决了问题。以下是四个缺失的文件及其来源(均来自Windows XP安装盘i386目录下):
下面一件关于openSuSE社区的事情似乎就比较令人失落了,Ben Kevan : Feb 24, 14:28 : Novell to layoff openSUSE Personnel。怎么也没想到会发生这种事情,原本还盼望着能早点出个openSuSE 11.2的版本呢,一直也没有动静,因为去年十二月份发布11.1时已经草拟过一个openSuSE 11.2版本路线图的,前些日子就应该出版本的,现在看来充满太多变数了,Novell说少于一百人(Joe Brockmeier : Feb 25, 19:29 : Addressing the layoffs),但外界说多于一百人,总之期望这次裁员不要太影响openSuSE社区的正常运作,祝openSuSE顺利发展。
These current financial times have hit Novell as Novell announced today that another round of layoff’s will affect some openSUSE contributors. However, they reiterate the point that they are fully committed to openSUSE development.
openSUSE board members Pascal Blesser and Bryen Yunashko announced the lay offs.”As you may know, recently Novell made the decision to reduce the workforce in their organization in the wake of our current economic outlook which is affecting everyone globally in all sectors of life,” they wrote, “Unfortunately, this has also impacted some members of the openSUSE Community who were employed by Novell when, earlier this week, they were laid off.”
Still can’t wait for openSUSE 11.2..
SUSE Linux Enterprise in the Americas : Feb 25, 02:11 : SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 Sneak Preview is Live!
SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 delivers interoperability and mission-critical support for your complete computing environment—desktop to data center, physical and virtual. Get your Sneak Preview today and see how it can help you reduce cost, complexity and risk.
Get yours today!
我几乎在第一时间就下载了,不过我是昨天晚上才安装上的,现在我就是用SLED 11预览版发布博客文章的,总体感觉不错,桌面默认安装的是Gnome 2.24,作为KDE的爱好者,我又选择安装了KDE 4.1.3,并且昨天晚上费了点劲儿才弄成默认KDE登录。内核版本为2.6.27.15-2,今天openSuSE 11.1内核已经发布了2.6.27.19-3的升级包,不知道正式版的SLED 11是否也会做相应的升级。先说一个软件吧,k3b在我的机器上能够正确检测光盘并刻录了,就冲这一点儿,我也短期内不会再回到openSuSE 11.1了,实用为先嘛,我可能还要用kdenlive把春节回家结婚的录像编辑整理一下,再重新刻录一张DVD,这刻录也只能用SLED 11上的k3b了。
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